Before starting this journey, I felt my identity and self worth were completely attached to my professional success and productivity. I had lots of physical symptoms that were chronic that I was trying to heal externally but never getting to the root of. I was completely dependent on external validation. I felt triggered by and codependent on my family and didn’t understand why. I was trying to give myself lots of self care but never really getting the feeling of being truly rested. I was interested in returning to talk therapy but felt my previous experiences of it hadn’t facilitated long lasting change.
Since starting this healing journey I have not only completely healed from so many physical symptoms that I had been chronically struggling with (muscle tension, loss of vocal agility, gut issues, fungal issues), but we have been able to find their root cause and understand what exactly triggers each symptom. I had spent a lot of time and money trying to heal these issues with external treatments to no success so it has been profoundly empowering to be completely free of them and also have a new understanding and relationship with my body that allows me to listen to it and learn what it’s telling me. I have also been able to implement hugely positive shifts in my work and finances, as well as my relationships.
Through this work I have also healed many emotional wounds and beliefs that were responsible for many limiting patterns in my life and have learned to make space for, honour and regulate my emotions. Ultimately, this has reconnected me to my authentic self and true values and desires and has allowed me to begin living my life in alignment with that. I have really gotten to know myself and in touch with my gifts and purpose and feel a new sense of optimism for the possibilities they provide. It has made space for more freedom and peace and helped me find tools within myself that I didn’t know were there. This journey (so far!) has been truly life changing and it is the best adventure I have embarked on yet!